AC Repair – Common Problems That May Require Service

Many of the issues that air conditioning technicians address during maintenance appointments are minor problems with easy fixes. However, if they aren’t addressed quickly they can turn into larger, more expensive problems. Reach out to AC Repair Round Rock TX for expert assistance.

AC Repair

Capacitors are another AC component that is prone to failure. During maintenance, the technician will turn off the system, drain and replace the capacitors, then turn the unit back on.

The evaporator coil lives inside the air handler or furnace unit and plays an important role in your AC system’s cooling process. It absorbs heat from the indoor air by converting refrigerant from liquid to gas, and then it blows cool air back into your home. Without this key component, your air conditioner wouldn’t be able to perform its essential function.

If your air conditioning system is older than 10-15 years, you might need to replace the evaporator coil due to normal wear and tear. The best way to know when this part of your system needs replacement is to have a professional evaluate the system. A technician can identify any issues, assess the evaporator coil’s condition and recommend any necessary repairs.

A clogged or dirty evaporator coil can cause a number of cooling problems. The most common issue is reduced efficiency due to a buildup of dirt, dust and other debris that reduces the coil’s ability to absorb heat. This buildup can also cause corrosion and refrigerant leaks, which can further deteriorate your system’s performance.

Other signs of a failing evaporator coil include the presence of frost or ice on the coil, unusual noises from the air handler or furnace unit and a rising energy bill despite normal usage. Hissing or bubbling sounds are often a sign of a refrigerant leak, and it’s a good idea to contact a professional for help immediately.

Whether the evaporator coil is being replaced or repaired, it’s always recommended to use an OEM replacement to ensure proper compatibility with your air handler and furnace unit. Non-OEM coils may not have the same Btu rating or physical dimensions as your original coil, which could lead to a variety of other cooling issues.

A failing evaporator coil can be caused by erosion, corrosion or simply normal wear-and-tear over time. Other factors that can contribute to a faulty evaporator coil include the use of cleaning products and old forms of refrigerant, which corrode the evaporator coil’s inner lining. These issues can lead to refrigerant leaks, which require a complete system replacement.

Blower Motor

Unusual sounds coming from your HVAC unit can indicate a problem with your blower motor. The motor is a critical part of your air circulation system, as it pushes heated or cooled air through dashboard vents based on your thermostat settings. This ensures your home stays comfortable without overworking the system. In some cases, your blower motor may need to be replaced completely.

The motor is a large, cylindrical component that sits inside an enclosure with holes. It is a crucial piece of your furnace, and its failure can lead to insufficient air flow and other problems.

If you notice an unusual odor, electrical fire or burning smell, turn off the blower motor immediately and contact your local heating and cooling professional for AC repair. These signs can indicate that the motor is overheating and about to fail, which is a dangerous situation requiring immediate intervention from a qualified technician.

Other common signs of a bad blower motor include reduced airflow from the vents and high energy bills. The motor works harder when a malfunction occurs, resulting in increased energy consumption and causing a breakdown.

The blower motor contains a number of different components, including fan blades and bearings. The bearings are what keep the motor running smoothly to generate air movement without producing excessive heat or noise. If the bearings wear out, your blower motor will not function properly and will need to be replaced by a new one.

Another common problem is debris in the ductwork that snags or scrapes the fan blades. This can damage the fan blades or cause them to become out of balance, which leads to excess noise and heat.

To avoid such problems, you can use a rag to clean off dust and dirt from the motor, shaft and fan. You can also give the fan a light spin to check for signs of damage or obstruction. If you see these issues, call your local HVAC contractor for a blower motor replacement. The professional installation of a new blower motor can help reduce your energy bills and improve your indoor air quality.


In addition to the fan motor, air conditioner contactors play a vital role in keeping your home cool by switching power on and off to the capacitor bank and blower motor. If the air conditioning system is having trouble turning on or if it’s constantly cycling, the problem may be related to a failing contactor.

A good way to test for a bad contactor is by looking for signs of pitting or electrical arcing on the contacts of the device. These signs indicate that the device has failed to properly close or open a circuit, and you should immediately seek professional AC repair services.

If you don’t see any physical damage, you can check the status of your contactor by turning off the power to your air conditioner and then opening its access panel. After you remove the wires and unscrew the contactor, you can use a multimeter to test its continuity. A multimeter is a tool that measures electrical current, and you can find one at most hardware stores. Connect the probes to both ends of the contactor’s coil and the terminals, then read the meter’s display. If the reading is OL, the contactor has likely failed and needs to be replaced.

While a failing contactor isn’t the most serious issue with your air conditioner, it can be extremely inconvenient if you don’t get it fixed. Aside from the obvious cooling problems, humidity levels in the home can also become high. This can lead to health issues such as mildew and mold, and makes it feel hotter in the home.

A professional AC repair service can help with all of these issues, and they will inspect your entire system to ensure that the air conditioner is functioning as it should. The technician will also perform HVAC diagnostic techniques such as refrigerant leak detection, thermostat calibration, checking ducts for cracks and blockages, and testing electrical components like conductors and capacitors. If they find that the contactor isn’t working properly, they can replace it quickly and easily. It’s a simple repair that shouldn’t take more than an hour, and won’t leave you without your air conditioning for very long.


The thermostat is a crucial part of any home heating and cooling system. It controls the system by switching it off and on based on pre-set temperature preferences set on its interface panel. This device is relatively simple to operate and maintain, but like all mechanical devices, it can experience issues with its operation that may require AC repair services.

Thermostat problems are usually quite simple to diagnose. First, check the circuit breaker to make sure it hasn’t been tripped. A tripped breaker can cause the air conditioner to stop functioning or act erratically, and can be reset with relative ease. If the problem persists, it may be time to call in a professional to conduct a routine assessment of the system’s components. This will include a visual inspection, testing of electrical components such as capacitors and contactors, a refrigerant level check, and thermostat calibration and inspection.

Using an external thermometer, you can also test whether the ambient temperature in your home matches the reading displayed on your thermostat. If you feel that the temperatures are different, it’s likely that your thermostat is faulty and requires repair or replacement.

When integrated with a smart controller through IFTTT, your thermostat can even send you notifications that alert you of changes in your home’s ambient temperature. This is particularly useful if you are out of town and forget to turn the thermostat down before leaving.

In addition to assessing the status of the thermostat and its sensors, an experienced AC repair technician will check for any new inhabitants living inside the unit. This is a common problem during the winter months when birds and other small animals look for shelter from the cold. If these critters are allowed to live in the unit, they can damage the fans and blower motor. An experienced technician will be able to find and remove these creatures from the unit without causing further damage to the system. This is a crucial step in the process of AC repair because it prevents unforeseen repairs down the line. It is best to catch these pests early before they start damaging the unit.

Sealcoating Options For Your Asphalt Pavement Investment

Sealcoating is a cost effective way to protect your asphalt pavement investment. It provides a dark black look to faded asphalt and smooths out small cracks and rough areas.


This is done by applying a coating of a mixture that contains sand, bitumen (or oil), and specific asphalt binder oils. This helps to replenish the degraded petroleum binder and oils. Visit to learn more.

The PAHs from coal tar-based sealcoat can seep into the groundwater supply and enter lakes, rivers and streams or wash off the pavement into stormwater runoff. As a result, the toxic chemicals can kill fish, insects, amphibians and mammals. The PAHs are also photoactivated, which means they intensify their toxicity when exposed to sunlight. Runoff from coal-tar-sealed pavement has been shown to be very toxic to aquatic life even long after the sealcoat is applied and dries, according to research conducted by the Geological Survey. For example, the study found that minnows and water fleas exposed to coal tar runoff experienced 100 percent mortality up to 42 days after exposure.

While manufacturers of coal tar-based sealcoat will sometimes claim that their product is safe and will not contaminate other areas as long as it is given 24 to 48 hours to cure, this simply isn’t true. The chemical particles and fumes released by the coating during this time can be blown around by wind, stick to tires and car doors, and make their way into waterways, lakes and surrounding soil and air.

You can test whether your sealcoat is made of coal tar or asphalt emulsion by scraping a small amount of the material from your pavement and mixing it with paint thinner or mineral spirits. If the resulting solution looks like coffee, it is most likely made of asphalt emulsion and is safer for the environment.

Asphalt Emulsion

Asphalt emulsion is an environmentally friendly and cost effective alternative to coal tar sealcoating. It is used to reseal asphalt pavement, typically parking lots and neighborhood streets. Fresh asphalt emulsion can help prevent environmental damage from water, sun and ice as well as people-caused damages such as divots and pinholes.

Emulsions are made by dispersing asphalt into water through an emulsifying agent or surfactant. The emulsifying agent is a large molecule that has an electrically charged head soluble in water and a hydrocarbon tail soluble in asphalt. The emulsifying agent creates a stable structure around the bitumen particles that repels other molecules and keeps them suspended in water.

There are a variety of asphalt emulsions available that have different properties to suit specific applications. Some are designed to set quickly while others are slow set and are commonly used in spray application methods. They also come in various temperatures depending on their intended use.

Other additives can be added to asphalt emulsion for additional benefits such as wetting, leveling and flowing agents. These additives can improve the consistency and workability of the emulsion which is important for proper application. They can also reduce surface flaws such as craters, fisheyes and orange peel in the final coat of the sealcoat.

It is important to note that all emulsions will eventually break and revert back to asphalt and water. Some emulsions break by chemical destabilization and evaporation of the surfactant while others will break by a combination of both. These breaks are usually controlled by the addition of emulsion stabilizers which can extend their working life up to 100 times longer than without them. The storage and handling of asphalt emulsion is critical to its preservation until it can be applied.

Oil Based

Oil based sealers are a time-tested and effective way to protect asphalt surfaces from weather, traffic, and other environmental factors. When properly applied by a qualified asphalt contractor, this type of sealcoat can provide long-lasting protection and enhance the appearance of a parking lot.

One of the main benefits of using an oil-based sealer is that it provides a rich, glossy black finish that helps to improve the aesthetics of the pavement surface. This can help to increase the overall curb appeal of a commercial property and can be an excellent way to enhance the value of the property.

Another benefit of using an oil-based sealer is its superior durability. Oil-based sealers can typically last four to six years, which is significantly longer than the lifespan of many water-based sealers. This long-term longevity makes it an excellent choice for property owners who want to maximize the lifespan of their asphalt surface.

One drawback of oil-based sealers is that they require more extensive preparation and cleanup than their water-based counterparts. This can include pressure washing the parking lot to remove dirt, mud, and other debris. It is also important to ensure that the surface is free of cracks and potholes before applying the sealant.

Finally, oil-based sealers can produce a strong odor that may be difficult to deal with during the application process. However, this is a small price to pay for the exceptional protection and longevity that they offer.

Fast Dry

Asphalt sealcoating protects paved surfaces from the elements, prolonging their life and appearance. However, improper application or failure to follow the proper drying and curing procedure can reduce its effectiveness and lifespan.

Several factors affect how long it takes for a seal coat to dry and cure, so preparing for delays in your schedule is essential. The weather is the biggest factor, and ideal conditions speed up drying times.

Temperature, humidity, and sunlight are other important factors. Higher temperatures accelerate drying, while humid weather slows it down as moisture lingers in the air. Sunlight exposure expedites the drying process by promoting evaporation. Using fast-drying additives can also shorten drying time without affecting durability.

Avoid Premature Traffic

It’s a good idea to restrict vehicle and pedestrian traffic from the surface until it dries completely. Attempting to drive on a wet sealcoat can ruin its appearance and cause damage to the pavement. Sealcoat dries from the top down, creating a hard “crust” over a moist lower layer. Trying to force the coating to dry prematurely can result in cracking, staining, and other serious problems.

A professional paving contractor can offer valuable guidance regarding optimal curing conditions for your project. They can help you select a timeline that ensures proper drying and curing before traffic is allowed on the surface. They can also provide a range of high-quality asphalt maintenance products and expert application techniques, ensuring the best results for your property. Contact Asphalt Icons today for a quote! We use only the highest-quality materials and expert applications to create lasting, protective results for residential and commercial properties. We also offer detailed advice for post-application care to extend the longevity of your new asphalt driveway or parking lot.


Acrylic seal coats offer high-quality protection and restoration to asphalt pavement surfaces. They’re often breathable and available in a variety of sheens. They are a popular choice for driveways, tennis courts and shopping mall parking lots. However, due to their expensive price tag, they’re not a good option for larger areas of asphalt that receive heavy foot or vehicle traffic.

Acrylic can be either water-based or solvent based. It contains small particle solids suspended in a liquid carrier (water or solvent, such as xylene or acetone). Once applied to the slab, the liquid carrier dries and evaporates leaving the solid particles behind on the surface of the concrete to form the sealcoat. Water-based acrylics tend to be glossier and are more eco-friendly, whereas solvent-based acrylics darken the surface and have a lower sheen. Regardless of the type of acrylic you choose, make sure it’s rated for indoor or outdoor use.

Like all sealcoats, acrylic requires specific environmental conditions for proper application and adhesion to the pavement surface. If it’s applied in the wrong conditions, the sealcoat may flake off or peel. Additionally, acrylic can be affected by a wide range of chemicals and pollutants. It is recommended to only apply this sealcoat to dry surfaces that are free from oil, grease and other contaminants.

While the different types of sealcoats all provide protection to a variety of concrete surfaces, getting the most life out of your sealer depends on maintenance and recognizing when it’s time for rejuvenation or reapplication. Be sure to provide your workers with adequate PPE while applying a sealcoat, including coveralls and face masks to prevent exposure to harmful chemicals. International Enviroguard has a large selection of high-quality PPE to protect your workforce from on-the-job hazards.

How to Plan a Mobile Home Remodel

Remodeling a mobile home is an exciting venture that offers the opportunity to transform a space into something uniquely yours. However, it can be a costly project if not planned properly.

Kitchen and bathroom remodels typically offer the highest returns on investment, while energy-efficient upgrades can provide long-term savings. Additionally, adding new flooring will add value to your manufactured home. Contact Mobile Home Remodeling Tacoma WA now!

The kitchen area is a key part of any home; the same goes for mobile homes. A kitchen remodel is an excellent way to add value and make a home more livable. However, there are a few things that need to be considered. These include budget, space, and design. The kitchen must also be carefully planned to ensure it will work for the owner.

Another area where a mobile home can benefit from remodeling is the flooring. It is important to choose a material that is durable, easy to maintain, and can be adapted to the mobile home’s layout. One great option is wood floors, as they can increase a home’s value and are easy to install. Other options include vinyl or laminate flooring.

Some mobile home remodeling involves removing walls to give the interior of the home a more open feeling. This is a great way to bring in more natural light, and can also open up the space for a more functional living area. In order to do this, though, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, including the structural integrity of the mobile home.

A few other popular mobile home remodeling projects include replacing cabinets and installing new appliances. While these may seem like minor changes, they can have a significant impact on the overall look of the home. In addition, they can also help to reduce the cost of operating the home, as well as making it more energy-efficient.

It is important to note that a mobile home remodel can be expensive. It is therefore crucial to create a budget before beginning the project. Additionally, it is a good idea to consult with professionals or DIY experts before starting any renovations. This will help you avoid spending more money than necessary. In addition, it is essential to find remodeling materials that are inexpensive. One way to do this is by purchasing secondhand items. This can save you a lot of money in the long run.


Mobile home bathroom remodels offer a number of opportunities to add value and a fresh look. Replacing old flooring, adding a new tub or shower, and updating the sink, vanity, and lighting are all easy and affordable ways to breathe life into this space. Ensure that your new flooring is moisture resistant to protect against potential water damage and install a vanity that offers plenty of storage.

Replacing older light fixtures with energy-efficient options will also save on utility bills and add to the resale value of your home. Adding a decorative touch with a new mirror frame or painting the walls in a new color can make this area feel like a brand-new room.

One of the best additions to any room is wood floors. The natural beauty of real hardwood floors adds elegance and warmth, and they’re durable enough to last a lifetime and beyond. Baird Brothers offers quality manufactured wood products that can be easily installed in your mobile home, making it easier than ever to give your space a beautiful upgrade.

If your kitchen cabinets are starting to show signs of age, replacing them with solid-core doors will modernize the room and increase resale value. Choosing a door style that complements your kitchen and bathroom will help tie the whole space together.

Upgrading your toilet to a low-flow model will help you save water and money, while adding a contemporary design feature. You can also upgrade your sink faucet and showerhead for a sleeker look.

While you’re upgrading your toilet and shower, it’s a good idea to replace any old fixtures that are broken or just outdated. New fixtures will give your space a fresh and updated look that’s sure to impress visitors and boost your resale value.

A major mobile home remodel may require you to move the plumbing pipes around, which can be very expensive. If you’re on a budget, it’s important to prioritize your upgrades and focus on the most critical areas of your home. Jumping from one style to another will only cost you more money, so choose a style and stick with it.

Living Area

Mobile homes offer a great alternative to traditional home ownership and can be customized in a way that suits the homeowner’s tastes. However, before attempting a full remodeling project, it’s important to understand the costs involved and how they differ from one model to another.

Most mobile home remodel projects focus on kitchens, bathrooms, and communal living spaces. In fact, these are the areas that typically see the highest return on investment when it comes to resale value. Kitchen upgrades often include modern water-efficient appliances and countertops, while bathroom updates frequently incorporate spa-like features like double sinks, walk-in showers, and extra lighting.

Many mobile home owners also choose to revamp their living spaces with a few easy and affordable upgrades. For example, replacing interior doors can be a cheap and effective way to make your mobile home feel more like a house. Plus, there are a wide range of door options available to suit any style.

Similarly, installing new flooring is a simple and cost-effective way to boost the look of your mobile home. Replacing carpet with hardwood is a great way to give your home a more traditional look, and it’s also much easier to clean than carpet.

In addition to adding a fresh look to your home, new flooring can also add value. However, it’s important to choose the right type of flooring for your mobile home. Hardwood floors are a great choice, but laminate and vinyl are also popular choices.

Another easy and inexpensive way to upgrade your mobile home is by painting the walls. This can be a quick and easy way to refresh your home, and it can also help you match the color scheme of other upgrades, such as new cabinetry or paint.

For a more dramatic impact, you can install a porch or deck on your mobile home. This can be a great place to relax and entertain guests, and it will help your home look more like a traditional home. Before you start the process of building your porch, check with your local zoning regulations to ensure that it meets local requirements.


The bedroom is where you spend 33% of your life sleeping, so you want to make sure it’s comfortable and inviting. A fresh coat of paint is a great way to give the room an instant boost. A light color like a soft green or blue will brighten the room and help it feel larger, while a darker color will draw the eye to a particular area of the wall. If you have a headboard or a bed frame, consider painting them too for an extra splash of color and a finished look.

Another popular mobile home remodel is to upgrade the flooring. Whether you choose carpet or hardwood, the new floor will give the whole room a new look. Another option is to add remote-controlled lighting for a luxurious touch that will give you a little extra ambiance when you need it.

You can also use the bedroom as a den or a place to entertain family and friends. A new TV setup and surround-sound speakers will make it the perfect place to watch movies or play video games. The right furniture can be comfortable and stylish, and you can also find pieces that are resistant to stains in case of accidental spills during movie night.

Adding a ceiling fan will also increase the comfort level in the bedroom. Depending on the type of fan you choose, you may be able to even reduce your electric bill by using a smart energy-efficient model.

A great way to add more storage to a room in your manufactured home is by installing a few recessed shelves. These shelves can be a great place to display your favorite books or artwork. They can even double as a display space for small electronic devices, such as tablets and laptops.

Another great way to make a room in your mobile home feel bigger is by using directional light fixtures. Opaque or shaded lights tend to make rooms feel smaller, while directional lighting can open up a room and make it feel more spacious.

Many mobile homes are built with limited living and storage space, so you’ll need to be creative when thinking of ways to expand your space. You can try a number of different options, such as adding a site-built addition or simply extending an existing room. A mobile home addition can be a great way to increase the value of your house and add more living room space for your family.